staying healthy the natural way

Monday, February 15, 2010

staying healthy the natural way
lots of Americans today have tied their lives to one pill or the other.for instance,acute-headaches could simply be treated drinking lots of water that your body can contian or oranges which is rich in vitamin-c.Sadly the relex
had being towards pills/pain relievers....what happend to natural-medication?
Have you thought about what will happen when you have chemical accumilations?

Dicipline and exercise

exercising your system/body puts check on the aging humones;they by slowing down the
the aging process.basic work-outs to flush out metabolic wastes will definately give you the desired results for a healthy body.hey guys have you also thought about eating-right?(what the hell is that) the truth is you wanna stay healthy then eat natural food.....this is a few of them:unchemically-processed rice,cut down on can foods,eat more of natural vegitables,less of soda drinks.....if you can eat more of stuffs from your local garden.....OOOhh i almost forgot,while eating if you can avoid taking water! except you feel a little beat choaky then you can have some to ease yourself,,,when you are done eating you can now take enogh waterto enable propper digestion(got the logic) its an acient secret keep it safe in your heart.


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