
  • Blockquote

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

staying healthy the natural way

Monday, February 15, 2010 0 comments

staying healthy the natural way
lots of Americans today have tied their lives to one pill or the other.for instance,acute-headaches could simply be treated drinking lots of water that your body can contian or oranges which is rich in vitamin-c.Sadly the relex
had being towards pills/pain relievers....what happend to natural-medication?
Have you thought about what will happen when you have chemical accumilations?

Dicipline and exercise

exercising your system/body puts check on the aging humones;they by slowing down the
the aging process.basic work-outs to flush out metabolic wastes will definately give you the desired results for a healthy body.hey guys have you also thought about eating-right?(what the hell is that) the truth is you wanna stay healthy then eat natural food.....this is a few of them:unchemically-processed rice,cut down on can foods,eat more of natural vegitables,less of soda drinks.....if you can eat more of stuffs from your local garden.....OOOhh i almost forgot,while eating if you can avoid taking water! except you feel a little beat choaky then you can have some to ease yourself,,,when you are done eating you can now take enogh waterto enable propper digestion(got the logic) its an acient secret keep it safe in your heart.

How to check for sickness

Monday, January 11, 2010 0 comments

To find out the needs of a sick person, first you must ask important questions and
then examine him carefully. You should look for signs and symptoms that help you tell
how ill the person is and what kind of sickness he may have.
Always examine the person where there is good light, preferably in the sunlight—
never in a dark room.
There are certain basic things to ask and to look for in anyone who is sick. These
include things the sick person feels or reports (symptoms), as well as things you
notice on examining him (signs). These signs can be especially important in babies
and persons unable to talk. In this book the word ‘signs’ is used for both symptoms
and signs.
When you examine a sick person, write down your findings and keep them
for the health worker in case he is needed (see p. 44).
Start by asking the person about her
sickness. Be sure to ask the following:
What bothers you most right now?
What makes you feel better or
How and when did your
sickness begin?
Have you had this same
trouble before, or has
anyone else in your family or
neighborhood had it?
Continue with other questions in order to learn the details of the illness.
For example, if the sick person has a pain, ask her:
Where does it hurt? (Ask her to point to the exact place with one finger.)
Does it hurt all the time, or off and on?
What is the pain like? (sharp? dull? burning?)
Can you sleep with the pain?
If the sick person is a baby who still does not talk, look for signs of pain. Notice
his movements and how he cries. (For example, a child with an earache sometimes
rubs the side of his head or pulls at his ear.)GENERAL CONDITION OF HEALTH
Before touching the sick person, look at him carefully. Observe how ill or weak he
looks, the way he moves, how he breathes, and how clear his mind seems. Look for
signs of dehydration (see p. 151) and of shock (p. 77).
Notice whether the person looks well nourished or poorly nourished. Has he been
losing weight? When a person has lost weight slowly over a long period of time, he may
have a chronic illness (one that lasts a long time).
Also note the color of the skin and eyes. These sometimes change when a person
is sick. (Dark skin can hide color changes. So look at parts of the body where the skin
is pale, such as palms of the hands or soles of the feet, the fingernails, or the insides of
the lips and eyelids.)
• Paleness, especially of the lips and inside the eyelids, is a sign of anemia (p. 124).
Skin may also go lighter as a result of tuberculosis (p. 179), or kwashiorkor (p. 113).
• Darkening of the skin may be a sign of starvation (see p. 112).
• Bluish skin, especially blueness or darkness of the lips and fingernails, may mean
serious problems with breathing (p. 79, 167, and 313) or with the heart (p. 325).
Blue-gray color in an unconscious child may be a sign of cerebral malaria (p. 186).
• A gray-white coloring, with cool moist skin, often means a person is in shock (p. 77).
• Yellow color (jaundice) of the skin and eyes may result from disease in the liver
(hepatitis, p. 172, cirrhosis, p. 328, or amebic abscess, p. 145) or gallbladder
(p. 329). It may also occur in newborn babies (p. 274), and in children born with
sickle cell disease (p. 321).
Look also at the skin when a light is shining across it from one side. This can show
the earliest sign of measles rash on the face of a feverish child (p. 311).
It is often wise to take a sick person’s temperature, even if he
does not seem to have a fever. If the person is very sick, take the
temperature at least 4 times each day and write it down.
If there is no thermometer, you can get an idea of the
temperature by putting the back of one hand on the
sick person’s forehead and the other on your own or
that of another healthy person. If the sick person has
a fever, you should feel the difference.
It is important to find out when and how the fever comes, how long it lasts, and how
it goes away. This may help you identify the disease. Not every fever is malaria, though
in some countries it is often treated as such. Remember other possible causes. For
• Common cold, and other virus infections (p. 163). The fever is usually mild.
• Typhoid causes a fever that goes on rising for 5 days. Malaria medicine does not help.
• Tuberculosis sometimes causes a mild fever in the afternoon. At night the person
often sweats, and the fever goes down.

simple steps to avoid obesity

Friday, January 8, 2010 0 comments

There is a great deal of nonsense spoken on the subject of obesity. There are numerous facts, figures and statistics in general as to the reasons why people are becoming more and more obese. Many of these facts are complicated - to many they are over-complicated. However, it is true that a 2006/07-health survey found that:

· one in three adults were overweight (36.3%) and one in four obese (26.5%).

· one in five children aged 2 to 14 years were overweight (20.9%) and one in twelve was obese (8.3%).

The World Health Organization now describes the prevalence of obesity as an epidemic. There has been a rise in obesity even in healthy and 'Green' New Zealand in recent decades - from 9% (males) and 11% (females) in 1977 to 20% and 22% respectively in 2003.

The fact that obesity is an expanding problem globally should make us sit up straight and take notice. But of what do we take notice? Some agencies claim that obesity is down to eating too much fast food. Others say that it is largely genetic, and that, if your parents and their parents were 'fat' then you will be too! To a limited extent some of this is accurate. What these 'schools of thought' forget, though, is that YOU are an individual, and if YOU follow a few simple and common sense rules YOU will be precisely the weight you want to be.


1. Examine your eating habits and analyse what you are eating. This is number one on the list of tips because, if you are eating haphazardly (the wrong food), the chances are you DON NOT STAND A CHANCE of getting slim. Eat the right things for health. Salads, fruit, vegetables, fresh fruit and vegetable drinks - not fizzy, sugar-filled pop drinks. Eat honey if you must have sweet things. Reduce creamy, rich and deep-fried foods unless you know that they are cooked with healthy oils and not fat.


2. If you are eating merely as a matter of habit you are probably not thinking at all about the things you are consuming. This will cause you to put on weight due simply to the fact that you are more than likely stuffing things into your mouth that have little or no nutrient value for your body's health and well-being.


3. Monitor also your daily exercise habit. If you don not have one already, get one! You will find it easier to lose weight and keep it off if you have at least a walking or jogging routine three or more times each week. The body's metabolism needs exercise in order to utilise the nutrients and minerals you put into it. Good food is absolutely no use to you if your metabolism is hindered in this way.


4. Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat (adipose tissue) in relation to lean body mass. Overweight is excess weight for height so, if you are a man six feet (1.8m) tall and you weigh 150 lbs (68kg) that is fine. By contrast, if you are a woman five feet tall and weigh the same, that is overweight. This is all pretty obvious, but what we need to be able to do as individuals is to objectively look at ourselves in the mirror and ask the question "am I overweight for my height and how can I remedy that"? The answer is in tips one, two and three.

5. Finally, once you can see that your excess flab is beginning to be shed, you will then realise just how simple it is to GET YOURSELF to a comfortable size and weight that you (and everyone else) can handle.

It is interesting to note that we generally eat as our parents eat. This is simply because it was our parents who first cooked for us and they were in the 'habit' of preparing the type of food their parents made for them. You can see that any hereditary connection to the weight we put on is almost certainly down to the food we are in the 'habit' of eating - because our parents put it on our plates, and their parents before them on!

Remember, you will not show signs of weight loss until you make those all important decisions on what you can eat that will help you lose that unwanted weight. The day that someone says to you "Goodness you have lost weight" is the day you will skip with delight - literally

Diabetes nutrition that is best for you


Adhering to a proper diabetes diet is not as complicated as it may seem. In fact, the foods that you should be incorporating and avoiding are also the ones that are healthy for most anyone. Therefore, any changes that you may be making will not only be good for your condition, but for the overall well being of both you and your family. If you are just starting out with these dietary alterations, it is important to keep in mind that you are doing something very helpful for the future of your health.

The main difference between a diabetes diet and a normal healthy diet is that the specific amounts of carbohydrates eaten will need to be regulated more strictly. Although the right balance and amounts of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are important, the latter category is, by far, the most important to which you should pay close attention. The reason for this is that, more than any other type of food, they have a much larger effect on blood sugar levels. When dealing with diabetes type 2, your primary focus should always be on keeping these levels as stable as possible. Eating the right foods in the right quantities makes a big difference when it comes to keeping them even.

To determine a food's effect on blood sugar, you should take note of its glycemic index. This system ranks a variety of foods based on how quickly they are digested and, thus, how much effect they have on one's blood sugar. A higher number indicates that the specific food will have a larger impact. However, many high glycemic foods are typically foods that are not the healthiest for us anyway and, therefore, should always be consumed in moderation by anyone. This, once again, shows us that a diabetes diet is one that is universally healthy for the majority of people

One very important part of a nutrition program for diabetes type 2 is making sure that you eat small to moderate amounts of good for you foods on a regular basis. Skipping meals or waiting long periods of time between eating can cause your blood sugar levels to go up and down much more than they would if you, instead, stick to a set schedule of meals and snacks. The amounts and times that you eat do not have to be overly strict. However, following this tip, along with other guidelines for a diabetes diet, will help you manage your condition and keep you and those around you healthy

Good night sleep

Sunday, November 22, 2009 0 comments

With all of the problems we are facing today as a country, one of our biggest problems is getting a good nights sleep. Each night Millions of Americans are kept awake due to fear of job loss, too many bills and personal problems resulting from all of these problems. Too many individuals suffering from insomnia think taking sleeping pills is the only answer. Just remember when you take sleeping pills you are putting chemicals in your body that are made up of many synthetic ingredients that can cause you to become ill.

Another goods reason not to take sleeping pills is that they are very addictive if taken over a long period of time. Then if you choose to try and sleep without pills you may find it impossible. What most people don't realize is that food is one of the best drugs you can use to get a good nights sleep. What you eat and when you eat can definitely effect your sleeping patterns. In this article I will you some tips about what to eat for a great nights sleep.

First, it is recommended that you eat a fair amount of dairy products, beans, fish, poultry and other high protein foods.

Secondly, if you are eating the right amount of these high protein foods your body will get a substance tryptophan which causes the body to produce a substance called L-Tryptophan an amino acid that is used in producing Serotonin and Melatonin two substances that help the body relax and eventually helps with sleep.

Third, the time you eat can effect how well you sleep. You do not want to eat too much food to close to the time you will be going to bed. It can interfere with how you sleep.

Fourth, you also do not want to do too much exercise too close to bed time. If you over stimulate your body it can result in sleep loss.

Lastly, warm decaffeinated drinks can help you relax. You want to go to bed in a relaxed frame of mind.

Natural Remedies To Stop Snoring


As long as it works, it is worth the trouble, the time, and certainly the money, even if it does not stem from a clinical source. There are a lot of people who come up with ways to stop snoring all the time, and many of these snoring cessation efforts really have no medical basis. But people do them all the time; sometimes they work for some people, and sometimes they don’t. That does not change the fact that herbal and natural remedies to stop snoring are for real; it only shows that there are people they work for, and there are snoring patients that are not helped by them.Natural stop snoring cures are all over the nation today, and they continue to gain popularity as more and more people are grossed out by the mechanical responses of medical science to the noisy sleep disorder. I mean, I don’t snore, but if I did, and had to put some mechanical mask on my face all night so as not to snore, I’d freak out too. One of the reasons why I need to stop snoring so badly is because I am hurting the person I love with all that racket I am making in my sleep, and the masks don’t make that better, they make it worse – they still would rather spend the night in another room!

Ok, so there are suggested over the counter solutions for snoring that people subscribe to that will make them snore less. True; but these pills and medications are actually made from the natural sources too, so you may as well settle for the natural. And although surgery to stop snoring has yielded some impressive results in time, you will agree with me that it does not work that well all the time. Certainly before you opt for surgery, you want to try other less risky and less expensive solutions to snoring first.If you can lay your hands on the herbal remedies to stop snoring for so much less money than you will spend on conventional snoring remedies, you are that much better off. They are made from all natural products, and so they do not have any significant side effects on your sleep or on your person, save that they help you sleep better. Basically, what you need to do is to clear the congestion in your throat and breathing passages that cause the snoring, especially if you have some kind of sinus infection. What you need in this instance is herbal tea, most of which are processed without the use of chemical additives, and are mainly confined to plant products. One type that readily comes to mind is the lemongrass which when inhaled and drank in its herbal form can clear your throat congestion instantly.

Other aromatic plants work perfectly as natural herbal cures for snoring, and they basically don’t cost so much. The eucalyptus is perhaps the most popular of these herbs for curing snoring, and the plants of the mint family with dark green downy leaves. Specifically, essential oils made from these fragrant sages gulped from a steam inhaler, can relieve your congestion and free of your air passages to prevent snoring. As a matter of fact, several healthcare professionals actually prescribe Marjoram oil for many snorers because it is already known to help.

Other herbal remedies for snoring that fall in the same category are the Goldenrod, the Goldseal, and ginger. In conjunction with natural honey they can cure common cold and certainly help you breathe easier, better, and a lot less noisier because they act as natural decongestants.

Healthy weight loss,dont complecate things!

Saturday, April 18, 2009 0 comments

Healthy weight loss

Maybe it sounds too good to be true but all you have to do to reach your ideal weight is eat as much fruit as you can every day! If you don't believe it or just want to know more you definitely have to read further but you might want to calculate your ideal weight first.
-ideal weight calculator-

Lose the weight with fruit
First we think it's best to focus on feeling good. Secondly to remind that in order to live a healthy and energetic life in a body that is fit to do that job, attempting to lose weight only will not be the key. There are some other changes you might want to bring into your life. In order to have the cells of your body function properly they have to receive the right nutritious elements and toxins must be kept away from them as much as possible and should be disposed of properly. In order to reach that goal we have the following recommendations for you:
1) Consume as much as you can of the 'right nutrition';
2) Avoid as much as you can of the 'wrong nutrition';
3) Exercise moderately;
4) Be happy with every small change you've been able to make permanently;
5) Don't make weight loss more complicated as it is.

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1) Consume as much as you can of the 'right nutrition'
After many research a great deal of scientists agree that:
raw fruits and (cooked) vegetables are the only right nutrition for human beings.
If you want to succeed in living a truly healthy life the best thing to do is to consume as much of the 'right nutrition' as possible each day. The more raw fruits and (cooked) vegetables you eat, the more your appetite for them increases and you might end up feeding your body with nothing but the right nutrition!

If you don't consume five pieces of fresh fruit a day yet (raw or squeezed) and you want to lose some weight permanently in a period of, say, six weeks (this period depends on your current eating pattern) the best thing to do is eat (or squeeze) those five fruits every day. If you haven’t consumed that much healthy food for a long time, it is most likely that your body starts to detoxify. You could even get sick!

More about detoxification.

If you have realized a consumption of five fruits a day you are ready to take the next step by consuming even more of the 'right nutrition'. To help you with this we have put together a 'right nutrition' list and a 'wrong nutrition' list. You can print the lists and put them on your kitchen wall. Every time you eat something check if it is included in the 'right nutrition' list or the 'wrong nutrition' list. If it is from the 'wrong nutrition' list try to replace it by something from the right list. If you can't replace the 'wrong nutrition' for some kind of reason enjoy it and don’t feel guilty about it!

Right Nutrition List

In other words: to lose weight it is important to live a healthier life, a healthy life starts with healthy food and raw fruits and vegetables are the healthiest food. We recommend you start your weight loss program by having five fruits a day and focusing on feeling good.

2) Avoid as much as you can of the 'wrong nutrition';

If you want to lose weight quickly just eating or squeezing five pieces of fresh fruit a day will not be enough. We have put together a list of foods to avoid if you want to speed up the burning process. In this way you'll start burning fat faster. You'll have to avoid as much food from the 'wrong nutrition' list as you can. In fact it’s a simple list to remember, only two food groups are mentioned: stimulants and animal food. Now this list might seem simple enough but it is actually quite difficult to find out which products in the supermarket do or don't contain one of the products mentioned on the list. If you check out the labels you'll notice that almost every product contains a stimulant, mostly white refined sugar or some kind of animal based product, often stock.

So, the foods you have to stay away from as much as possible if you want to help your body function properly and thus lose the excess weight are stimulants and animal based food.

Wrong nutrition list

3) Exercise moderately
Just a bit of exercise will do. It is important though to get some exercise every day especially if you are in a job where you sit down all day. A half-an-hour walk a day will do. Of course more exercise is always better but never feel bad if you can't get yourself to do it. If you just take that walk for at least half an hour each day you'll be fine. Stretching your muscles is also good, it makes you more conscious of your body.

4) Be happy with every small change you've been able to make permanently.
Your body reacts like an oil tanker so if you want to change course it will take some time. Every structural change in the right direction is one to be proud of as long as it is permanent. After making a change it will take about six weeks before a change becomes permanent and part of your daily life.

Be smart
If you want to be slim you have to be smart: change your eating pattern permanently. In this way you'll lose those pounds forever! Remember this: after eating (five to) nine pieces of fruit a day for a few months you'll notice that your appetite for fruit has increased structurally and moreover your appetite for stimulants will certainly have decreased! Try it out, it really is magic!

In other words: the more fruit you eat, the more fruit you eat.. it's as simple as that.

5) Don't make losing weight more complicated as it is
Step five: Just follow the four steps mentioned before and don't complicate things when doing so. Be easy on yourself as long as you are working on it. Just follow the simple steps we give you on this page and eating healthy won't be a punishment anymore. It just will become a whole lot of fun!

Additional tips

See replacing foods from the 'wrong nutrition' list by foods from the 'right nutrition' list as a game;
Try to feel what consumption of the 'wrong nutrition' list does to your body: are you more sleepy, feel like you've lost energy, are you constipated or the opposite, are you noticing a loss of memory, do you have headaches, are you thirsty;
Don't feel guilty if you consume food from the 'wrong nutrition' list. Just enjoy it as much as you can and feel carefully what it does with your body the day after;
Read the other diet articles about fruit.

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